Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Professor Kahn’s post relates to an interesting phenomenon I recently learned of: “Wiihab” or “Wiihabilitation,” more intelligibly described as Nintendo Wii playing in physical therapy. Apparently, not only is the Wii a craze amongst the usual video-game-playing crowd, but doctors are using it to aid patients with their physical therapy. Because the game controller requires motions similar to traditional therapy exercises, playing the Wii enables patients to go through their rehab with their minds focused on the game and not the pain of therapy itself. The concept is a simple application of the truth we all know, that the mind is often stronger than the body. Giving patients an outlet in which they can be competitive and play to improve their mobility, without focusing on the pain of therapy, is a wonderful option for the modern rehab patient.

As for the classroom, our own Professor Lopatka used NBC’s Deal or No Deal show to illustrate risk-aversion in our torts class. Engaging modern “consumers” – whether they are patients or students – in a way which makes the task accessible is certainly challenging. By virtue of this challenge, however, creativity can meld with traditional mechanisms and give rise to innovations in many forms. Professor Wesch made the statement, “[learning] is the hallmark of humanity,” and learning about how best to learn seems to be the wonderful responsibility of our teachers. By the same token, being teachable and willing to engage is our responsibility as students. I look forward to your conclusions, Professor Kahn!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The human body is a peculiar device, pat it on the back and the head swells.