Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Pedestrian Law?

Last week, someone made a comment that the study of law is pedestrian. Certainly there are prosaic elements of law, but it seems to me that law is anything but pedestrian. Creativity, conviction and presentation are just three elements that seem to make a good lawyer, none of which I would classify as dull. In my mere fifteen months of legal training, I have come to appreciate the law as, on the whole, logical, intuitive and fair. But more than that, there is a certain flair that a good lawyer possesses. Whether it is forcing the typically non-mathematically inclined law student to assess negligence using the Hand formula, or showing us the incredible creativity and intensely human nature of transactional law, a good lawyer is not dull. In many ways, successful lawyering is like a chess game, and in many others, it is like a theatrical performance. So, yes, the law can seem pedestrian if you look at it under a microscope, but if you pull back to see the big picture, it is so much more. It is a grand endeavor; it is our fallible attempt to create an infallible system of right and wrong. It is the intricate balancing act of human relationships, freedom, duty, commitment and justice. It truly is a noble profession.

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